
Whether you wish to smooth out the appearance of the under-chin area or create a toned and sculpted look, Kybella is the world’s first highly safe, convenient and permanent non-surgical alternative to the double chin. Kybella has been approved by the FDA and provides powerful before and after results.

Treatment Recovery

Recovering from Kybella treatment is usually fast and convenient. Most patients are able to resume normal activities the same day as the procedure. The actual treatment takes less than half an hour and you will be numbed to ensure that the procedure is comfortable. This procedure is simple, safe and can be completed in a few short and easy visits.

Treatment Results

Patients generally see results within two to four Kybella treatments and results will become more noticeable with each successive injection. You will first notice a reduction of fat underneath the chin area and Marianne will adjust the number of treatments as your results develop, making Kybella a customizable treatment option.